Month: October 2016

FRIDAY 161028

Workout of the Day Option 1 “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps, for time: Clean (135 lbs) Ring Dips —OR— Workout of the Day Option 2 6 rounds, 2 minutes each of: (First and fourth rounds) 60 cumulative seconds forward plank hold then…

TUESDAY 161025

Workout of the Day For time: 100 meter farmer’s carry 40 hanging leg raises 200 meter farmer’s carry 30 hanging leg raises 300 meter farmer’s carry 20 hanging leg raises 400 meter farmer’s carry 10 hanging leg raises Men use…

MONDAY 161024

Workout or the Day “Fran” 21-15-9 reps, for time: Thruster (95 lbs) Pull-ups then 2 minutes of max reps rope climb, 15′ ascent


Workout of the Day 6 rounds, 2 minutes each of: (First and fourth rounds) 60 cumulative seconds forward plank hold then as many reps as possible of single arm dumbbell snatches (Second and fifth rounds) 60 cumulative seconds left side…


Workout of the Day “Barbara” 5 rounds, time each round: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats *Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

TUESDAY 161018

Workout of the Day 15 rounds for time of: 3 deadlifts 2 power cleans 1 squat clean & jerk Use 70% of your clean 5RM for all movements